Saturday 24 November 2012


Hello Lovelies!
In my Christmas obsessed mind, the minute Bonfire Night is over, I can go 100% crazy for tinsel, cards and fairy lights. If I'm totally honest, I've been thinking about them since September, but once November the 6th rolls round, I feel like I have a full festive license. 

I've always been one for Christmas. I love the magic and the warmth of it all. I love the way family comes together, and the traditions that are upheld. When I was younger, my family life was all in for Christmas. It is almost a family tradition to be mad about Christmas!

Now that I have my own family (and my wider family is a lot more settled and happy), I am going to enjoy making new traditions that we can honour each year and embed into our yuletide memories. Since Chris and I have been together for one Christmas already, I thought I would share some photies of the Christmas we have already had together, and some of the things we did last year that we are going to put into action this season.

Baking and making jam with my brother and Ma  is always a must when it comes to December! 

Sitting around with our family that we don't often get to see in a nice warm home.

Exploring the near by woods with little people! 

Taking strolls with loved ones.

Playing old games that never get old to me.

I hope you have a really lovely Christmas, even if it is (admittedly) quite early still!

 Chloe xx

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